Lane 3 Careers

Hey! I'm Kaitlyn. I’m a career coach specializing in career transitions

from “I have no idea” to “how do I make this a reality?” - I’m here to help with it all

 How it ALL started: My Story

My feeling of being lost in my career goes all the way back to the early 2000s when I was in highschool. Like most Millennials, I had supportive parents who told me “You can be whatever you want when you grow up!” and bought me a massive book to learn about every career under the sun.

I wondered “Was this how people figured out what they wanted to be? Just flipped to the page on “Architect” and it hit them like a ton of bricks that it was their calling?”

As I flipped through the pages, it ALL seemed interesting, but no answers jumped up from the pages. As someone who had always had a plan in life, this was very unsettling.

Fast forward 10 years and I found myself with a Master’s degree and an impressive resume filled with promotions and leadership at top companies but I was carrying around what felt like a deep, dark secret: I felt I was supposed to be doing something totally different. But I had no idea what that was or how to get there. My journey to finding the right path involved multiple coaches alongside a lot of mindset work and risk taking, but I got there.

Along the way I’ve managed & mentored over 60 young professionals and refined what it takes to find a career you love. I’ve seen the debilitating stress it causes people when they feel lost or afraid to make a change, and my passion is helping people during that time.


  • Certified Coach

  • M.A. Communication Management

  • B.A. Professional Writing

  • B.A. Organizational Communication

I live and breathe this career stuff:

  • 6+ years of experience managing Millennials and helping them navigate their careers

  • Hiring Manager experience of interviewing multiple candidates per week over the past 6 years (with many looking to make a career transition!)

 "Lane 3” What does it mean?

Growing up, I was a competitive swimmer. When I was young, I was obsessed with lane 3 because I always won my races in that lane. I thought it was my lucky lane.

When I had a race in lane three, I was calm, confident and excited. It was where I felt like the best version of myself.

As it turns out, in a 6 lane pool, lane 3 is the lane for the fastest swimmer, I had somehow missed the memo.

“Lane 3” represents the parallels between the lane & one’s career:

Thinking it’s all luck & fate, when really it’s the intention and hard work that gets you there.

Moving in and out of “lanes” where you are and are not your best self, and doing the work to get back to where you feel excited and most like your best self.

That confident feeling of knowing you’re exactly where you want to be.