Lane 3 Careers

Let’s talk about services. After all, careers are not one size fits all

Coaching services are all one-on-one and customized for your needs.

From “Lost” to “Love” & everything in between

It’s hard to package up what you need in your career and put a bow on it because you’re not the same as the colleague sitting next to you. For that reason, I offer a free consultation to understand your needs and walk you through what the package would look like in more detail.

The focus areas below can apply to a range of situations all the way from feeling totally lost to totally in love with your career (but wanting to take the next step). To learn more, fill out the application form below for a consultation. Talk soon!

custom client packages to address what you’re looking for


Explore & Conquer Coaching Package:

1x1 Career Transition Coaching Package

This program is for you if you’re wondering:

Is there something better for me out there?

How do I find the right path & uncover what motivates me?

Why do I feel so held back on making a change?

How do I know what employers looking for & do I have it? How do I show them?

How do I go about making a career transition?

How do I become a competitive candidate?


A la carte Coaching Sessions

Meet when you need to, as you need to

This option is for you if any of the below currently resonate:

You have something career related you want to work through with an outside perspective

You’re not sure how many sessions you need to invest in - but it is likely less than 10

Something came up as it relates to your career right now, and you want to chat through it

You wanted to dedicate time or space to an important issue

Or, perhaps you are skeptical on coaching, and want to try it on first with a smaller investment

Schedule a session now!


Areas of Expertise


Develop a package or utilize a la carte…

I have experience in & passion for:

Leadership Development

Career Development - Identifying what lights you up & how to get there

Parental Leave: Navigating decisions & conversations prior to leave as well as adjusting upon return to work

Sales Mindset Coaching: How to utilize your mindset to become a top performer

Career Transitions: How to Navigate

Resume Review
