3 Podcasts I Love

While I am definitely one to bop around a bit when it comes to podcasts, these are three that are my tried-and-true go-to’s for personal & professional development. Enjoy!

What You Will Learn 

aka ‘The Best Bits from the Best Books.’ These two Australians read all of the best nonfiction books and break them down for you into digestible episodes so you can walk away with the key tips, tricks & learnings. If you've ever felt like there’s a ton of books you want to read and don’t have the time, or want a brief summary of a book before committing, this one is for you. Learn more here

The Opposite of Small Talk

aka ‘A podcast for curious people who know there’s not just one way to live your best life’. The hosts are growth-minded professionals who hit on a variety of topics focused on how to grow yourself and improve your life and relationships in ways both big and small. They interview a plethora of fascinating subject matter experts and you feel like you’re having a down to earth conversation with your closest friends while listening. More info here.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Specifically, the episodes on the 4 tendencies (Obliger, Upholder, Questioner, & Rebel). For those who struggle with habits or making the change they want, I highly recommend learning about Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies framework and doing a deep-dive on your tendency via these podcast episodes. You’ll understand how you are wired and how to hack your way to the habits, accountability & motivation you want. Bonus tip: learn about all 4 tendencies (not just your own) and your relationships at work and in your personal life may also improve! Read more here.

Happy listening!

- Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn Buckheit