Why Hire A Career Coach?

Why Hire a Career Coach?

You’re likely assuming I have a bit of bias as a career coach writing this article, which is totally fair.

But here me out: if you’re on the fence about working with a coach, most offer a free consultation and I highly recommend signing up for one so you can learn more about the process. It doesn’t necessarily need to be with me, but you don’t know what you don’t know. And, if you’ve made it this far, what’s another 30-60 minutes of your time to get yourself answers? 

Regardless of which coach you work with, or what they specialize in, or what their coaching format is, here are a few reasons working with a coach can be beneficial to you:

1. Dedicated & committed time to work towards your goal 

Accountability and time to think have always been the factors that have helped me accomplish what I want when working with a coach. We all have good intentions to read that personal development book, have that conversation with our boss, or network to get the role we want, but life gets in the way. We have jobs already, friends & family to see and a million other competing priorities. Suddenly, it’s 6 months later and you’ve yet to take action. You’re not alone in this. Investing in a coach secures you the time, space & accountability to not only make the change, but put together a plan to get there that is achievable. 

2. Learning how to create new mindsets 

The mind is a wild and wacky and there is a lot going on up there (conscious or not) that’s impacting our behavior and preventing us from getting what we want. Many coaches (not all) have been trained to help you identify these mindsets and make shifts to declutter the noise in your head. 

3. Intentionality vs winging it

We try on clothes before we buy them, yet with careers we often take the route of “that sounds good, I’m going to go for it” and justify to ourselves why it makes sense. Sometimes we are right in that justification, other times we are not. With most of us working 40+ hours per week, don’t you deserve to take time to be intentional about uncovering what lights you up and getting clear on what you want to say “yes” to and what you’re going to move away from? 

4. Non-biased support 

Your friends, family, managers and colleagues are all wonderful and mean well. But , they have their own opinions, beliefs and agendas and it’s so easy for them to project that onto you. Whether it’s the friend who tells you “35 is too old to change careers” or the parent who tells you taking a pay cut will be your life’s “biggest regret” or the manager who strongly advises you to move towards a leadership path, these influences from the people we love & respect can have a huge impact on the decisions we make (which isn’t always what is best for us). A coach can help you identify & break down those influences, see where they are coming from, appreciate them, but also move past them and gain clarity on what is right for you, not your mother. 

Ready for that free consultation? Sign up here!

- Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn Buckheit